
Translation of “considerably low” in Russian

560 англ. язык. starlight 5кл. кн. для учителя баранова, дули и др-2010 -156с

This document provides an overview and instructions for using the Starlight 5 coursebook, which teaches British English at the elementary level. It consists of six modules that each cover a theme through vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, listening, speaking and skills exercises. The course materials include a Student’s Book, Workbook, Teacher’s Book, class audio CDs and tests. Suggestions are provided for presenting new vocabulary, repetition exercises, pairing and grouping students, assigning homework and correcting wor


Lesson Planing

This document provides guidance on lesson planning for ESL teachers. It discusses the purpose of lesson planning, which is to carefully structure lessons and allow flexibility. An example pre-lesson plan template is given to outline topics, objectives, activities and timing. The document stresses preparing grammar, vocabulary and materials before class. It gives an example lesson plan on active and passive voice, including introducing topics, grouping activities, and feedback. Lesson planning is presented as an essential skill for organizing and pacing an effective English lesso

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This document provides an overview of the Teacher’s Book for the Aim High English language course. It describes the development process for Aim High which was informed by research in schools. It outlines the key components of the course including the Student’s Book, Workbook, Teacher’s Book, and Audio CDs. It then provides a more detailed description of the structure and contents of the Student’s Book, including the unit structure and sections on reading, vocabulary, grammar, skills, writing, and review. Finally, Add New Post it discusses testing and assessment resources and how Aim High maps to the Common European Framework of Reference level

• ПОДГОРОДНЕЕ Г., 4 комн., Перемоги ул. р-н, шлакоблок/кирп., 82/50/10, газ, электри-чество, вода (скважина), рядом трансп., маг. Срочно. 350000 грн. Валерий, (050)362-80-20, (068)030-63-1

We have simulated a reduction of the public deficit amounting to 1% of Spain’s GDP in 2011, so that the ratio public deficit/GDP decreases in 1 percentage point. In turn, the reduction of the public deficit can be achieved throug

• КАЛИНОВАЯ УЛ., полдома, 55 кв. м, 3 комн., без рем., 5 сот. От хоз. Посредникам не беспоко-ить. Или обмен на 1-комн., Юбилейный п., сред эт., кирп. + доплата. 760-41-2

• КОНДИЦИОНЕРЫ. Доставка кондиционера по городу Днепропетровск, Кривому рогу бес-платно. Рассчет по факту доставки кредитной картой. 789-37-1

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• СЛЕСАРЬ-РЕМОНТНИК в стаб. комп. на пост. основе для рем. сварє аппаратов и инстрє, удобный г/р, выс. уровень з/п. Владимир, (098)400-56-3

272 англ. яз. 10кл. spotlight (английский в фокусе). teachers book (с ответа.

Spotlight 10 is an English course for B2 level students based on the Common European Framework of Reference. It develops all four language skills through communicative tasks and Theory and Practice in Learning and Teaching systematically recycles key language. The course aims to promote active, holistic, and humanistic learning. It consists of eight modules with nine lessons each, covering a variety of topics. Each module ends with exam practice and a progress check. Additional materials include vocabulary, grammar, reading, listening, speaking, and writing exercises to reinforce the material. The course components include a student’s book, workbook, audio CDs, teacher’s book, and student portfolios to facilitate independent learnin

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